[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][fusion_text][fusion_dropcap color=”” boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”50%” class=”” id=””]M[/fusion_dropcap]ost people do not consider marriage as the next level in life. They want to continue doing whatever things they did before marriage without giving much attention for the commitment and responsibilities comes after marriage. As a result, they feel as if they are living with a roommate rather than living as a married couple. This is one of the problem that kills romantic relationships following marriage  Other factors such as the changes that comes as a results of age, having new baby, work stress, etc are also the leading cause of unhappy marriage. All the above mentioned problems does not keep your marriage alive

Once you are in a relationship, you have to commit for your future. Both of you should work to keep your marriage alive. Identify the things that you have to avoid in order to keep your marriage long lasting. In addition, do something that makes your marriage remain strong. To be in a great relationship, avoid the following:

1. Not being close.

Being in a relationship means more closure and intimacy. However, some couples gradually lose their intimacy after marriage. It begins by sleeping in separate beds. On top of that, when you have child, the problem will escalate because only one parent become responsible for taking care of the baby especially during the night time.

In a study conducted to know how often couples have sex, it was found out that about 26% a couple have sex once a week. To bring back your joy and close relationship, do whatever you can. Be open to your partner, discuss on the things that matters to your marriage. Do not forget, your marriage depends on your relationship.

2. Being too open with your spouse.

When you are married and living together for a long time, you become comfortable with one another. You share lots of things in common and even you two considering one another as a brother and sisters. It is ok to have such great relationships, but the problem is everyone has its own private time.

Do not be too much open all the time for the things like telling dirty jokes, burps and passing gas here and there etc. If this is you, don’t make it a habit. When such things become habit and predictable, that means you are considering your partner as your friend sharing a room. The reality is, sooner or later, you will have a problem in your marriage. You may lose your intimacy and stop seeing your partner in a sexual way.
So make your relationship comfortable and smooth. You can have fun with your partner but, you don’t have to let your comfort turn into unpleasant.

3. Unappreciated.

In relationship, both partners have their own roles. Even if you know your roles and brings something to the table, the other person should appreciate for what you did. When you stop daily gratitude to your spouse for whatever they did to support your life, they feel that they are abandon and unloved.

Be respectful to your partner, exchange daily gratitude and speak out how much you care about.

By this time you know what to avoid in your relationship to make your bond too strong. But how can you manage to stay away from such trap.

The followings are some of the lists that will help you to avoid getting into these traps:

1. Sleep together – Will keep your marriage alive

In order to bringing back your intimacy, sleeping together is the best option. When you are married and especially one or both of you working and have kids, the only and best time to create your intimate relationship is by Sharing a bed.

2. Improve your communication.

One of the challenges following marriage is losing communication between partners. This might happen at some point in their relationship may be due to ignorance or busy schedule. When you set a time to talk anything about life with your partner, your relationship will dramatically improve. So do whatever you have to do to have significant talk with your partner because having conversation makes both partners happy.

3. Bring the excitement back again.

Excitement or having fun in your marriage is one of the things that strengthen your relationship. Marriage should not necessarily be serious all the time. It is believed to be fun and amazing. Take some time alone, go to romantic dinner, checkout some places that plays live music you both enjoy. This is how you can strength your intimacy.

Understand what makes your relationship worst or best. Then try to keep the things that makes both of you happy and work on to improve on those habits that makes you uncomfortable. Have great relationship with your partner since marriage is a partnership and a romance.


keep your marriage alive, how to keep your marriage alive, common reasons for divorce, The Most Common Reasons For Divorce,[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]