[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][fusion_dropcap color=”” boxed=”yes” boxed_radius=”50%” class=”” id=””]O[/fusion_dropcap]ne of the huge problems and the leading causes of divorce is financial stress. For most of you, the impacts of money on marriage is not simple. It is common to see couples fighting for money irrespective of their economic situations. There are a number of ways by which money affects marriage, some of them includes:

Boosting on what we have rather than the relationship

Does being rich and having what you want change your relationship? Do you or your partner fight with foolish spending? Are you still comparing your life and relationship with your neighbors or do you want to stay away from the negative thinking that you have in your relationship?
Most people misunderstood that money is the source of happiness. However, money can buy things that makes you happy but does not buy happiness. You can not totally save your marriage or relationship by investing more of your money for material things. In addition, spending more money that you do not have to a luxurious lifestyle can also be unwise decisions that risks your marriage or relationship. Do not trade your perfect relationship with money or material things, rather, enjoy your life by wisely invest your money on the things that makes you and your partner happy.

Most people misunderstood that money is the source of happiness. However, money can buy things that makes you happy but does not buy happiness. You can not totally save your marriage or relationship by investing more of your money for material things. In addition, spending more money that you do not have to a luxurious lifestyle can also be unwise decisions that risks your marriage or relationship. Do not trade your perfect relationship with money or material things, rather, enjoy your life by wisely invest your money on the things that makes you and your partner happy.

Differences in nature of spending

You and your partner might have different habits of spending. One of you might be saver or spender. Some relationships may be begins with the needed lifestyle stability of one party over the other. They may be attracted to you because you have the money to provide expensive lifestyle that they need. If you are in such relationship, your marriage or relationships does not last long.

When relationships begins with only one parties advantages of living life on the shoulder of the others, then the relationship gradually fall apart and difficult to maintain it again. For instance, if your partner is not working and used your money to spend on expensive items frequently, you will become unhappy in your partner spending habits and you try to control the money. So, this is one of the situations that how money affects marriage if it is not solved properly.

Change in financial situation – The # 1 impacts of money on marriage

There are two approach in this topics. One is when you both have some fortune at one time and lost it due to a certain circumstances. And the second one is when you do not have any asset and suddenly or through time you become financially free. Both ways can cause a major problems in your relationships.

For instance, if you have the money and live a certain lifestyle and all of a sudden you lost your investment and you are literally be penniless. Your response to this situation might be different. If you both are lucky, you will start building your business from where it is, or probably be in a serious stressful condition that can harm your relationship.

In the same way, if both of you were not financially free and in all of a sudden your financial situation changes and you become rich, this can also affect your relationship. This new financial freedom might change the way you think and you become totally unique person than you were before the new fortune came in. Probably you will not have anything in common anymore. Therefore, your changes in a financial situation can lead to stress and finally harm your relationship.

How can we avoid money from damaging marriage?

Money when we use it properly it is a tool that we can use it to support our life. Most psychologists agree that the best way to save ones marriage is good communication. Communication is one of the major factor that can solve most marital financial problems. When you set a common plan together, you can accomplish a lots of things more quickly and efficiently than you could be handling alone.

In general, the unwise use of money and the material things that you associate with it can have a huge impact on your marriage. When you plan to use your money properly, you will have a stronger relationship and start to live the life style you deserve.


The impacts of money on marriage, The impacts of money on marriage, The impacts of money on marriage
