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No more sharing the TV

When you are in a relationship and you care about her/him, you most likely watch TV episodes you would not imagine of watching to make your partner feel great and happy. For instance, you love your wife very much and if you do not watch one of her favorite TV show together, would not be such an awful thing.
But when you are separated, your wife definitely miss all her coming episode you were watching together. However, you now have a freedom to watch your own episode without sharing the television.

Cheaper to live

When you are married or you are in relationship, you have a huge responsibility of taking care of your family. You support your family financially and psychologically to make everything work in your life. Although you understand that it needs too much effort to support your family, you keep doing and investing in your family without looking back.

Following divorce particularly when there are no children or child support involved, the living cost is much cheaper than you imagined. In most cases you will spend 50 percent less than what you spent when you were in a relationship.

New opportunities – one of the 5 added bonus to being newly single

When you are just single, this is your time to apply what you learned from your previous marriage. Try to fix the gap to make your life somehow fresh. It is also a good opportunity to find and date different type of people by avoiding the things that made you annoyed in your last marriage.

No more fear

In marriage some time one party try to control over any situation in all time. This condition makes their partner uncomfortable and become irritated in their day today life. Probably such condition is initiated when there is a deep jealousy inside one of the partner. The argument between them can extend for a long period and one of them wants to end such unpleasant relationship. Following divorce, you are free and you are not afraid of your partner anymore. You can do what makes you happy with no fear.

Absence of relationship guilt

When you are in relationship, you feel guilty staying in bed for a long after your partner has gotten up. You think that your spouse will be disappointed on you when you are not doing some housekeeping. Then you wake up, preparing some breakfast, cleaning and do some laundry. But once your relationship is over, you can stay in bed the whole day if you want to with no guilt.


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